Instructions for Twistory 1.4


     "Twistory" is a history browser. It displays the lifetimes and travels of historical figures, and dates and locations of historical events. It is a tool for keeping track of when and where things happened, and their relationships to each other. It is meant to provide a way to keep track of the multitude of different peoples, dynasties, empires and developments throughout history. It answers questions like, "What else was happening in the world at that time?"

     Twistory is a historical dictionary that you can use to create maps and time-lines. A resource of over 2100 people, events and places is included. The database has an open text format, so that more historical information can be added by any user. A complete description of the file format is included.

     The two main windows are the time-line window, which shows lives and events against a variable time scale, and the map window, which shows people and events in their geographic locations during an interval of time. There is also a genealogy window which shows the ancestors and descendants of the selected person, and an info window that shows additional details about the person or event. A "This Day in History" window lists all milestones occurring on a particular day of the year. The is also a "Find" window.

System Requirements

     Twistory will work on any Mac with system 7 or later. It uses about 4.5 Mb of disk space, and needs about 2.5 Mb of RAM to run comfortably. With a large monitor or with several windows open, 4 Mb is better.

Shareware Fee

     Twistory is $10 (US or Cdn) shareware. You may evaluate it for free. If you use it regularly, keep it for more than one month, or use it for presentation to a group, I would enjoy getting a little something for it. If you feel so obliged, you may send the payment to

     John de Boer
     60-A Lundy's Lane
     Kingston, Ontario
     Canada, K7K 5G7

If you desire support, please send your e-mail address along, and I will write back.

     Registration of Twistory is necessary only once. Once you have paid, you are entitled to use any future release without any condition.

     The fee is for use of the application programme, not for the text resources. The resources are drawn from a wide variety of sources, both on the Internet and in print.


     If you find any bugs or have suggestions on how to improve Twistory, please e-mail to or send those comments along with your registration. Twistory is still growing and changing. If you create historical resources for use with Twistory that you feel might be of interest to others, you may send them to me as well, and I will consider including them with the next release of Twistory.


     If you want to be certain you have the latest version, you can check out the Twistory Home Page. I will endevour to keep the newest version of Twistory available at that site.

Version History